Powerfully Simple Family Office Software

SumIt is a simple, sophisticated solution for complex family office accounting.

Why SumIt?
A Straightforward Platform Where Family Offices Do More With Less
Save Time
Do sophisticated accounting, such as consolidation, in a simple interface with a couple of clicks and save days of work.
Grow Confidence
Rest assured in the accuracy of your journal entries and respond within minutes to any requests.
Maximize Impact
Automate data entry and processes to focus on what matters: strategic decision-making and planning.
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Turn Complexity into Efficiency

Family office accountants are either underwhelmed or overwhelmed by their software.

SumIt offers an easy-to-use interface where family offices can see all their entities in one place, effortlessly book journal entries, and create consolidated reports in just a few clicks.

Screenshot of SumIts entity management.
What we offer
All Your Accounting Needs In One Place. And More.
Ready to make your accounting easier, faster and more accurate?
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